Our Voice
Advocacy Priorities
The Chamber is an active advocate for its membership by providing a voice for the business community with all levels of government. At any given time, there are a wide variety of issues that may arise. The items below represent the current advocacy priorities.
Improving the Regional Economy
The Chamber believes that business expansion and job growth are critical components to a vibrant community, and that government should invest in economic development that results in jobs and investment.
The Chamber supports policies that focus on growing our economy by:
- Developing of a proactive regional economic growth strategy that addresses the needs and opportunities of Southwest Manitoba
- Creating performance-based economic development incentives that supports growth and attraction of new business
- Improving cost competitiveness and removing barriers that inhibit the growth of existing businesses or prevent the attraction of new investors to our community
Government Efficiency and Taxation
The Chamber believes in a fair and equitable system of taxation that promotes private sector growth and makes Brandon more competitive. The Chamber believes that all levels of government should exercise fiscal restraint and control program spending by seeking out efficiencies and implementing priority or performance-based budgeting.
- The Chamber supports fiscally sustainable budgets that:
- Evaluate programs to ensure measurable outcomes and achieve desired results
- Ensure sound fiscal management with strong budget reserves and consideration of long term planning
- Adopt spending priorities that have clear and measurable outcomes and encourage transparency and accountability.
- Do not stifle investment and create a tax burden for business and citizens
- The Chambers supports market competition as the most efficient means of ensuring high levels of service, innovation and competitive pricing and as such supports public private partnerships where cost savings can be realized.
- The Chamber opposes increases to business taxes and fees that would negatively impact Brandon’s competitive environment
Community Infrastructure
The Chamber believes strategic infrastructure investment is necessary for growth and for creating a competitive environment attractive to business.
The Chamber supports:
- Enhanced strategic infrastructure investments that facilitate economic growth by utilizes federal and provincial initiatives and funding
- A strategic, sustained, disciplined approach to investment in core infrastructure
Workforce Development
The Chamber believes that there must be a strong alignment of education and workforce development with employer needs and that immigrants are a critical source of workers and entrepreneurs for our economy.
The Chamber supports sustained funding and programming for our local community colleges and university to continue quality workforce training that aligns with business/industry needs.
Fair Government Regulations and Reduction of Red Tape
The Chamber believes that a well-designed and effective regulatory environment supports businesses, protects consumers and contributes to healthy communities.
The Chamber supports policy that:
- Improves efficiencies and timeliness of permitting
- Provides clear and transparent guidelines that businesses can rely on
- Removes roadblocks to risk-taking, innovation and investment
On July 24, 2023, the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and over 250 other organizations signed a letter to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, requesting a CEBA repayment deadline extension, to allow small business more time to stabilize and recover post-pandemic.
You can read the letter sent to Minister Freeland by clicking below:
Environmental Stewardship
The Brandon Chamber believes environmental management must take a balanced and reasonable approach that protects the environment without placing unnecessary burdens on business.
Regional Collaboration
The Chamber believes in working with local businesses, government and other partners to advance policies and cooperative efforts that build and sustain regional prosperity.