Board Room Rentals
Rent a piece of history for your next board meetings, workshop, staff training, or meeting with clients. Our great downtown Brandon location has access to WIFI, a TV, kitchenette, and washrooms. Coffee and tea are available at an extra cost.
Policy + Agreement
Our Boardroom Rental Policy and Rental Agreement are available for download in PDF format.
Our Boardroom Rental Policy can also be viewed online:
Boardroom Rental Policy (Terms & Conditions)
Chamber Boardrooms are available for use on a rental basis. Chamber activities will take priority over all other bookings. Use of the rooms must not interfere with the daily work of the Chamber staff.
Bookings are not confirmed or guaranteed until a signed Boardroom agreement is received by the Chamber. You will receive confirmation for your booking once the agreement has been received.
Boardroom bookings are available on a first come, first served bases. All guests must depart the room at or before the indicated end time stated in the contract. Space for the boardroom is booked only for the times indicated.
The Brandon Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to cancel the boardroom booking. Should a cancellation occur by the Chamber, you will not be charged for the booking. The Chamber also reserves the right to refuse rental of the boardroom at their discretion.
Brandon Chamber members renting the boardroom may be invoiced. Members must be in good standing with the Chamber. Non-members must pay for their rental prior to, or on the day of their booking.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made up to 48 hours before booking will be charged 50% of the total rental fee. Cancellations made within 24 hours of booking will be charged 100% of the total rental fee.
The Chamber also reserves the right to cancel a room rental for Chamber events.
The upstairs boardroom can accommodate 18 boardroom style. The downstairs boardroom can accommodate up to 10 boardroom style. Tables should not be moved without prior authorization. The Organization renting the space is responsible for set-up, clean-up and ensuring the premises are properly secured if the Chamber is not open. The room should be left in the same condition it was found.
Food & Beverages
Coffee and tea are available for purchase (includes stir sticks, cream, sugar, coffee mugs). Other supplies are the responsibility of the renter (i.e. plates, cutlery, napkins etc.) The Chamber does not provide catering services, but a list of member caters can be provided. Please note: food items and supplies that are in the kitchen area belong to the Brandon Chamber and are not available for use.
Equipment & Supplies
With notice, rental of the boardroom includes the following:
- conference room table and chairs
- use of a dry erase board/easel
- Wi-Fi access
- a pull-up screen
- large screen TV with HDMI laptop connectivity
Please confirm availability prior to meeting. The renter must provide all other equipment and supplies.
Access & Security
A key is needed for building access before 8:30 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. It must be picked up no later than 5:00 p.m. at the Chamber office. Keys are to be returned to the Chamber office the following day (or unless otherwise agreed to.) If the key is lost, the renter will incur a lost key charge of $50, and room rental privileges may be revoked.
When using the building after 5:00 pm, it is very important that the building be secure at all times. The only access after 5:00 pm will be through the 11th Street Building Entrance. You will be required to have an attendant at the door while the door is unlocked. Do not leave outside door propped open. This should eliminate the problem of individuals who are not a part of the meeting coming into the building.
The renter of the boardroom agrees to assume all responsibility for the cleanliness of the boardroom, returning it to the state in which it is found: garbage must be thrown out in the provided receptacle, all dirty dishes cleaned, and chairs returned to their proper place around the boardroom table.
The renter agrees to assume all liability regarding the actions of his/her guests. The renter and guests are asked to respect the Brandon Chamber of Commerce property. Any items (food products, supplies, incidental effects) that are not directly provided by the renter are assumed to belong to Brandon Chamber of Commerce and its staff and are therefore inaccessible to the renter and guests. Renters are responsible for any damage to the facilities and/or contents and fixtures. All damage must be reported to the Chamber staff immediately. Room Renters will be expected to cover all repairs and replacement cost of any damage to the facility itself and or the contents of such.
Renters are not to leave items in the boardroom, kitchen or basement. All items not belonging to the Chamber of Commerce are to be removed from the building when rental is completed. The Chamber of Commerce will not be responsible for lost or damaged items that are left at the Chamber building. Please turn off the lights when you leave.
Metered parking is available on the streets on the south and west side of the Chamber building if required. Free parking is available on Pacific Avenue. The parking lot is not available with boardroom rental use.
Alcohol & Smoking Policy
Unless approved in advance, please do not bring alcoholic beverages onsite.
Smoking is not permitted inside or immediately outside the building. This includes all tobacco, e-cigarettes & vapes etc.
It is understood, the Brandon Chamber of Commerce is in no way responsible for any personal injuries, property damages, or other liabilities that may be incurred during use of their facility. Renter agrees to release indemnity and hold the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and its Landlord, the Brandon Chamber of Commerce of any such damages.
In any and all promotions and communications regarding your company’s meeting/event, Brandon Chamber name is only to be used as the meeting location. Any request for the Brandon Chamber to support, promote, or sponsor or endorse your meeting/event must first be approved by the Brandon Chamber.
Any promotion or sales of products or services during your meeting must first be approved by the Brandon Chamber.
Any invitation extended to the news media to cover your meeting/event at Brandon Chamber must first be approved by the Brandon Chamber.
Approved by the Board of Directors June 25, 2015