Membership Opportunities
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship of Chamber events and programs is a great way to build your company’s brand and gain visibility with key business stakeholders. A variety of sponsorship options are available to member businesses of all sizes.
For more information, please contact our Events Coordinator at events@brandonchamber.ca or 204-571-5343.
Marketing & Advertising Opportunities
Membership Roster
Be on the desk of over 800 Chamber members year round. Each year the Chamber publishes a business directory of all Chamber members. This directory is the go to source to get information for contacts, suppliers and customers. You must be a Chamber Member to be listed or to advertise in this publication. Circulated only to Chamber Members and available to non-Chamber members for a fee.
Brandon Business Review Magazine
Brandon Business Review is distributed in early fall to every business in Brandon, all Brandon Chamber members, potential members, companies and key business organization in Southwestern Manitoba. This is a great tool to get your message out to a broad audience. It highlights Chamber members, news and business articles.
Chamber at a Glance Newsletter
Chamber at a Glance puts out s digital publications a year, which go out to over 1700 email subscribers, and over 750 delegates. We provide updates on the Brandon Chamber, upcoming events, member profiles, and more.
Chamber Insider E-news
Sent to over 1,300 contacts every week from mid-August to mid-June, the Chamber Insider keeps members informed of Chamber events and opportunities while also providing a timely advertising means for our members. Various sizes are available. These ads are in full color and can also link to a website, email or provided PDF document.
Enhanced Website Listing
An enhanced membership listing on our chamber website is like a mini-website for your business. By enhancing your membership listing you can include your logo, a map to your business, business bio, bullet highlights about your business and you can even include photos or videos. Priority placement in the Business Directory is included with enhanced listings, and online banner ads supporting business categories are also available and include a direct link to your business.