Our Voice
Policy Resolutions
As the Voice of Business, The Chamber must ensure we speak for a majority of our members. Whether an issue is brought forward by a member, our board, a politician or the community at large, we seek consensus and to be well informed in developing credible policy positions.
Meals + Entertainment Claim Policy
The Chamber recommends modifying business tax deduction legislation to encourage spending in restaurant and hospitality industry.
Tracking Students & Funding Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI) in Manitoba
The Chamber recommends development a provincial identifier system of tracking students form K-12 and throughout post-secondary education.
Creating a Manitoba Post-Secondary Transfer Credit System
The Chamber supports the development of a more streamlined and efficient model of transfer credits which will create a more accessible post-secondary education system that benefits our learners, our employers, and our economy.
First Nation Development Area Zone (FNUDA)
Brandon Chamber of Commerce sees FNUDAs as positive opportunities to build economic development, enhance our business communities, and the Province’s openness to build strong relationships with our First Nation’s community.
Flexible Funding for Post Secondary
The Chamber recommends incremental unrestricted funding to allow educational institutions to address the most pressing labour market needs and deliver the necessary training.
Keystone Centre Funding Policy
The Chamber recommends development of a capital plan and exploration of additional revenue generating opportunities
Proposed Planning Act Changes for Cities Outside of Winnipeg Policy
The Chamber recommends the Province of Manitoba make changes to The Planning Act to reduce redundancies in the system, reduce delays in the planning and zoning approvals and reduce slowing of the development process.
Red Tape Reduction Policy
The Chamber recommends ways to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses to ensure the City of Brandon is viewed as “Open for Business.”
Policy Process
Policies established by The Brandon Chamber of Commerce are based on consultation with membership, recommendations of the Board of Directors and the direction outlined by the incoming chair of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce.
Policy Approval
In accordance with the bylaws of The Brandon Chamber of Commerce, a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by board members is necessary to approve each policy position. These policies will be brought to the attention of appropriate government officials and other bodies to whom the recommendations are directed. The method of presentation of each item will be determined by a number of factors, including subsequent events and legislation which may affect the subject matter, additional information that may become available, the timing of a presentation, etc.
Policy Lifespan
Each resolution, once approved by the board, has an effective lifespan of three years unless otherwise stated. After three years, the board of directors can decide whether or not the policy should remain as a current policy position of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce.
Throughout the year, members will be updated and advised of the action(s) taken on each of these positions by way of summaries and reports in Brandon Chamber of Commerce publications.