Business Achievement Awards
Award Categories
Business Person of the Year
The President’s Award for the Business Person of the Year is presented to an individual that exemplifies outstanding business practices and achievements, and who demonstrates leadership, vision, and the creation of economic growth while contributing to the community. The award has been given out annually since 1982 at our Annual Dinner event held in March.
Criteria: has demonstrated being a model of business excellence, illustrates leadership and vision, demonstrates a high standard of ethical practices and professionalism, investment and job creation in Brandon, positive impact to the business community and volunteerism.
Previous recipients include an impressive list of distinguished Brandon business people.
Business Excellence Awards (2)
These awards honour businesses that demonstrate continual business excellence through positive business growth, exemplify superior customer service and embrace an outstanding commitment to quality. There are two awards handed out for: businesses with fewer than 15 employees (small) and businesses with 15 and over employees (large).
Criteria: has demonstrated excellence and commitment to quality in as many of the applicable areas: a mission statement, vision, or goal setting for the business; exceptional customer service philosophy and practices; product service offerings; positive business growth; perseverance through challenges; change management; and innovation.
Lifetime Business Builder
The Business Builder Hall of Fame was created to establish an honor roll of individuals who have successfully achieved, toiled and contributed to Brandon’s success through a lifetime commitment to business and community service. Nominations for this award are determined by the Selection Panel. The Awards Nomination Committee is responsible for managing the overall search by identifying potential nominees according to the criteria.
Criteria: has established a legacy in a lifetime achievement in business and community service in as many of the applicable areas listed: business achievement and growth; employment growth; contribution to industry and community; overall positive impact on community through spirit, drive and vision; created a legacy in business; and volunteer service and leadership.
Outstanding New Business of the Year
This award recognizes the accomplishments of a business owner who has succeeded through innovation and risk-taking or achieved success in introducing new products or services or growing an existing product line through a unique approach. The nominees must have been in business for 1-5 years.
Criteria: must have demonstrated innovation in as many of the applicable areas: unique product/service; operations; marketing; selling locally or exporting; employee attraction and retention; business systems; customer service; overcoming adversity.
This award was previously known as the Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year.
Community Impact Award
This award recognizes an individual or business for outstanding effort and commitment to community through meaningful contribution(s) to the well being and quality of life in Westman.
Criteria: volunteer service that highlights leadership, dedication and contribution in any of the following key areas: Civic – volunteer activity and leadership working for the progress of the entire community (i.e. Canada Games, Museum Boards, BU, ACC etc); Community – volunteer activity that is philanthropic (i.e. Helping Hands, Kinsmen, etc); Business – volunteer activity involving business (i.e. Brandon Downtown Development Corp, Industry Associations etc.)
Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual aged 18-40 who is either the Director/Owner of a new or existing business and has successfully built or built-up the organization. The nominee must have ultimate control over the entire endeavour with all risk of success or failure lying in their hands.
* Nominees must be 18 – 40 years of age (at the time of the nomination).
Criteria: The nominee has demonstrated a success story that includes a description of their business and products or services; any challenges they have overcome to be where they are today; shown growth and solid profits; how they care for their staff; and their support for community and environment.
Westman’s Top 4 Under 40
This award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual under the age of 40 who works in a leadership role in any size organization from the private, public or non-profit sector. The ideal candidates will be active and engaged in work and community, a creative problem-solver, disciplined in performance, and generous in spirit; a real contributor to the fabric of our community.
* Nominees must be 39 years and younger (for the entire calendar year for which they are considered)
Criteria: Nominees will have demonstrated excellence in each of the following four criteria: vision and innovation; leadership; impact and influence; and social responsibility.
This award is open to Chamber and non-Chamber members and their employees.